Christian Book Overload

Disclaimer: The data in this post is approximate and not 100% verified or factual.

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I did a previous post on the Top 20 Megachurches and noticed while researching the pastors that, boy, have they written a lot of books! Holy cow. I thought it was just Joel Osteen, but I was wrong. The graphic above is the approximate number of books written* by the pastors of the top 50 megachurches according to one ranking list I found**. 476 books total! How do they have so much to say to write 10, 15, 30 books?! And are they writing these during work time when they should be doing other things for their church? Are they getting rich off these books? Tons of the these churches or pastors have an online store on their website to sell the books and dvds and study guide companions, which is a huge turn off for me. The whole thing just made me groan. It’s such a business and kind of feels like a scam. I doubt Jesus would have wanted it this way.

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